What would you do if you had a superpower you couldn't use?
Darcy and Olivia Morrison are telepaths, but if they use their power they will be caught up in a sweep by the Telepathic Corps, never to be heard from again.
Everywhere they look, they see people - telepath and normal alike - suffering and feel compelled to help. Traditional avenues - police, fire, medicine, are unavailable to them because these professions test for telepathy, so they opened their own private investigation firm.
Rights for telepaths is the hot-button issue of their time. George Wynton leads this crusade from Boston, where he is opposed by a nefarious secret group called The Twenty, whose only goal is to eliminate all telepaths.
When a horrific murder is discovered, all clues lead to Wynton. It doesn't help that he was discovered talking to the dead woman, the only woman he has ever loved.
With his life at stake, Darcy and Olivia are bullied by his lawyer into taking the case even though it is way out of their depth. If they do not prove his innocence, the nation's only champion for telepaths will spend his life in jail, or worse.