The Spy with the Silver Lining

The Spy with the Silver Lining

Book 3: Spy Games
Genres: RomanceSuspense
Available in:
  • eBook
  • Paperback


Known as a cool seductress with a taste for couture, chic superspy Casmir Balasi had played her role too well this time — getting love-struck master criminal Yuri Petrov to propose on bended knee...and fall into her trap. But it wasn't long before Yuri caught on — and when he escaped prison, he vowed to enforce "'til death do us part."

Now Casmir was saddled with an arrogant if irresistible bodyguard, sent by an agency that didn't have her best interests at heart. Would her protector's secret agenda place her in the hands of her worst enemy? Or would she fall into her defender's arms instead? One thing was certain — surviving this deadly game required the performance of a lifetime....

Release date: May 1, 2006

Publisher: Silhouette

Print pages: 304

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