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"Joan Wolf writes with an absolute emotional mastery that goes straight to the heart." -Mary Jo Putney Starring in the role of a lifetime, Tracy Collins goes on location to film a movie set amid the elegance of Regency England. Here, on the lush, sprawling estate of Silverbridge, the American actress is caught between the clashing egos of cast and crew...and undeniably intrigued by Harry Oliver, the devastatingly attractive lord of the manor. Then Tracy begins to have startling visions from the past, more menacing than the dramatic scenes she enacts for the camera. Suddenly, terrifying acts of sabotage and attempted murder-all too real and very much in the present-threaten her and Harry. At stake is a legacy too precious to lose...and a love as fragile as a dream foretold long ago. Word Count: 96,000 words.

Release date: October 22, 2008

Publisher: Forever Yours

Print pages: 416

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