Scandalous Woman

Scandalous Woman

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Jovanna Darling knows exactly what she wants from life--excitement and adventure. With her flair for accents and disguises, she hoodwinks her brother, who runs the Darling Security Agency in Galveston, into letting her become one of his agents. Against his better judgment, and behind their father's back, she becomes one of his best operatives. After his newly purchased and renovated railroad is robbed four times in two months, Braeden MacAllister thinks someone may be out to ruin him financially. The morning he decides to hire Darling Security, he is almost run down in the street by an out of control wagon. Now he thinks someone may want him dead. When Braeden meets the charming Jovanna Darling, he has no idea she will be the woman who not only solves the mysteries, but changes his whole idea about love.

Release date: February 1, 2013

Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press

Print pages: 277

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