Saving Miss Everly

Saving Miss Everly

Available in:
  • Audiobook


Pretending to be her sister, Hope Everly finds an adventure, at last. The Caribbean's warm waters and tropical islands fulfill nearly all her dreams. When an excursion to visit another island with a naturalist expedition is interrupted by a storm, Hope is stranded on a desert island where she and her fellow castaways are dependent on a handsome stranger for their survival. 

Alejandro Córdoba, trapped and alone on the island long enough to give up all dreams of rescue, knows nothing of what has become of his war-torn homeland or his family. When he finds the beautiful Miss Everly washed up on the shore, along with her companions, he does not know if their arrival is a blessing or a curse. 

Hope's behavior, acting one way with Alejandro and another with her friends, further confuses things when they begin to fall in love. If rescue ever comes, will telling Alejandro the truth mean losing him forever?

This is the third book in the Inglewood series and can be listened to as a stand-alone sweet regency romance.

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