• Innocent in the Prince's Bed
  • Awakened by the Prince's Passion
  • Compromised by the Prince's Touch

Russian Royals of Kuban

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  • Hardcover


From Book 1:

An irresistible royal seduction…

Daring Prince Nikolay Baklanov feels London is worlds away from his life of battle and revolution in Kuban. But then the Russian ambassador’s daughter, beautiful Klara Grigorieva, approaches him with her father’s dangerous proposition…

Since her mother’s death, Klara has complied with all her father’s wishes. She’s virtuous, polished—a Society lady through and through. But meeting dashing Prince Nikolay awakens a rebellious passion in Klara…a passion that only this man can satisfy!

Russian Royals of Kuban

Commanding princes unlace the ladies of London!

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