Rock Me

Rock Me

Book 2: Ross Siblings
Available in:
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Candace Andrews has had enough of pleasing others. In an act of birthday rebellion, she sets out to please herself-by walking into the tattoo parlor owned by her cousin's ex-boyfriend. All she wants is a little ink, and Brian's just the guy to give it to her.

As soon as she submits to his masterful hands, though, the forbidden attraction she's always felt for him resurfaces . . . and she realizes the devilishly sexy artist could give her so much more.

Sweet, innocent Candace is the last person Brian expected to see again. She's everything he's not, and her family despises him. He doesn't need the hassle, but he needs her, and this time no one is taking her away. Not even those who threaten to make his life a living hell.

Backed into a corner, Candace faces the worst kind of choice. Cave in to those who think Brian is a living nightmare . . . or hold her ground and risk it all for the one man who rocks her world.

Release date: July 24, 2017

Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC

Print pages: 150

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