Discover a collection of short stories set in the Vibrant Steel universe, offering glimpses into the past, present, and future. A captivating companion to the original book.
Volume 1
Specters Among Us: Amidst emergencies on the Perseus colony ark, technician Iggy battles malfunctions and conspiracy. But as strange events unravel, she must uncover a sinister plot before becoming another cosmic anomaly. Join Iggy on a pulse-pounding journey through isolation, intrigue, and the uncharted cosmos.
A Billion Stars and All I Want is You: Embark on an alien journey of love and discovery in this romantic comedy. Dr. Serreno spent centuries seeking a woman he promised his love to. Unexpected encounters in his quest take an unpredictable turn. He must unravel the threads of an increasingly complicated gaggle of suitors.
A Pirate’s Greatest Treasure: Sibling space pirates Jax and Clara navigate treacherous heists and unexpected alliances in a galaxy rebuilding after an alien invasion. Amidst battles and secrets, they discover a mission worth more than any treasure: saving stolen lives, and eyeing a future on the heavenly home world.