King Bongo

King Bongo

Genres: Mystery
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  • Paperback


Havana, New Year’s Eve 1957, a terrorist bomb rips through the Tropicana nightclub. King Bongo, a rogue Cuban-American, tortured by a mysterious past and possessed of a mythic musical talent, goes on the hunt for the culprits, and for his sister, Cuba’s most exotic showgirl, who disappeared in the explosion.

Navigating Havana’s maze of Colonial backstreets, red-light districts, swank country clubs, and opulent casinos, Bongo encounters an outrageous cast of characters—American hit men, decadent movie stars, prophetic shoeshine boys, and a beautiful American socialite. At the center of the mystery is a sinister secret police operative with whom Bongo is destined to have a lethal showdown.

Release date: May 4, 2011

Publisher: Vintage

Print pages: 320

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