Just One Night

Just One Night

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Just one night can never be enough for these passionate couples…they'll need a lifetime

One Night in His Arms

Ranulf Carrington's cruel words had crushed Sylvie's youthful passion. But she was a woman now, sophisticated and confident. Everything was different…yet nothing had changed. Ran might never come to love her, but Sylvie knew she'd still do almost anything for just one night in her first love's arms.

One Intimate Night

Piers's relationship with Georgia was strictly business, nothing more, which should have made their living under the same roof a fairly straightforward affair. So why couldn't Piers stop Georgia from stealing into his thoughts? He wasn't a man to act on impulse, but how long could he resist this beauty…?

Release date: October 1, 2012

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 352

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