Just Business

Just Business

Book 2: Takeover
Available in:
  • eBook
  • Audiobook


Justin White may not look like an up and coming corporate superstar, but his new boss knows that he has the smarts, grit, and determination to succeed. Now he just has to convince his company's CFO, Eli Ovadia. Unfortunately, Justin can't seem to keep his cool around the domineering Eli, and soon he finds himself taking their heat from the boardroom into the bedroom.

Still haunted by a tragic accident that left him with a wounded leg and broken heart, Eli has a need to be in control. But his desire for Justin makes him want to lose that control and push them both far beyond their limits. Will his need to dominate Justin drive him away, or will Eli find a way to be the man he needs for both of them?

Contains mature themes.

Release date: June 16, 2015

Publisher: InterMix

Print pages: 262

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