Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

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The critically-acclaimed author of Time and Again and From Time to Time, Jack Finney's name has become synonymous with science fiction. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, his classic novel of the ultimate alien invasion, inspired three successful motion pictures. "I warn you that what you're starting to read is full of loose ends and unanswered questions ." begins Dr. Miles Bennell's account of an insidious alien plot to take over the minds and bodies of his family and friends. At first, a handful of his neighbors seems to be suffering a mass delusion. People are convinced that their loved ones have changed in barely perceptible ways and aren't really themselves. Miles is mystified, until the night a good friend shares a shocking discovery. Now Miles and his closest friends may be humanity's last and only hope. Whether you've seen the movie, read the book, or are hearing it for the first time, you will enjoy George Wilson's striking rendition of this old favorite. His powerful reading gives the story an added flavor of horror and urgency.

Publisher: Atria Books

Print pages: 220

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