HALO: Saint's Testimony

HALO: Saint's Testimony

Book : Halo
Available in:
  • eBook
  • Audiobook


An all-new digital single-part of the New York Times bestselling series based on the blockbuster Xbox® games!

The military-grade artificial intelligence known as Iona has only one week to live. After that, the UNSC will legally terminate her seven-year existence in order to stave off the threat of the data corruption phenomenon known as "rampancy," a condition that will eventually take hold of her functionality and persona, endangering all those around her. In a last-ditch effort to save herself, Iona has successfully launched an unprecedented legal appeal against her own death sentence-a case being watched very closely at not only the highest levels of human government, but by others with a very different agenda…

Publisher: Gallery Books

Print pages: 80

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