A Deal with Alejandro

A Deal with Alejandro

Book 1: Rival Brothers
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Alejandro always plays by the rules… 

Alejandro Aguilar never mixes business with pleasure—but his newest employee, marketing guru Elise Jameson, is refreshingly different and irresistibly intoxicating. Working together on a high-octane multibillion-dollar merger, exhilaration gets the better of them… 

Until now! 

But this Spaniard is still wrestling demons from his past and he sees betrayal everywhere, including in the eyes of his temptress Elise. So he fires her, destroying the business deal—and her heart. Until he realizes his mistake. Innocent Elise is the key to the merger, and she knows her price—but is Alejandro prepared to go all in?

Release date: October 1, 2016

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 192

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