Around Eldritch Corners

Around Eldritch Corners

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With strange aeons... where twin suns sink and towers rise behind the moon... in dark and lonely places when the stars are right... from the deadly light amidst black seas of infinity... unto a world which now trembles...

Yes, it's cosmic, it's mythos, it's Lovecraftian/Chambersian, it's overwrought language and indescribable horrors. But it's also twisted takes and irreverent pastiches, with weird kids and lovelorn sequels. It's ancient times, different histories, and distant futures. It's cats and cults and candles, odd architecture, mysterious tomes.

It's a collection of sixteen stories by Splatterpunk Award-winning author Christine Morgan, inviting you to take a peek...


Release date: September 17, 2024

Publisher: Word Horde

Print pages: 296

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