All Thorns Eve

All Thorns Eve

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In everyday life Nina Terestchenko obeys the demands of her family and business, but at parties, when she is Topax Lynx, others follow her rules. Behind the mask she has the control and power she craves. That is, until a stranger behind his Anubis mask asks her to be more than a dominatrix. An afternoon of painting in the gardens is all it takes to crack Nina’s resolve, and she witnesses another side of play she never considered sexy. There’s something about the hulking brute in his iron mask that makes her very curious. Nina must decide if holding onto the hang-ups against her own submission are worth missing out on more than a weekend of fun. Can her heart withstand finding the love of a lifetime?

Release date: May 23, 2018

Publisher: Torrid Books

Print pages: 198

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