William Martin

About the author
William Martin is the New York Times bestselling author of eleven novels, an award-winning PBS documentary, and a cult classic horror movie. His first novel, Back Bay, introduced treasure hunting hero Peter Fallon, who has now appeared in five novels, and spent fourteen weeks on the New York Times list. Since then, Martin has been telling stories of the great and the anonymous in American history, from the Pilgrims to 9/11. His novels, including Cape Cod, Annapolis, City of Dreams, and The Lincoln Letter, have established him as "a storyteller whose smoothness equals his ambition" (Publisher's Weekly). He lives near Boston with his wife and has three grown children. In 2005, he was the recipient of the prestigious New England Book Award, given to "an author whose body of work stands as a significant contribution to the culture of the region." In 2015 he received the Samuel Eliot Morison Award.
Genres: General FictionMysteryAction & AdventureHistorical FictionSagasHistorical Mysteries

Books by William Martin

Peter Fallon and Evangeline Carrington

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