Violaine Huisman

About the author
Violaine Huisman was born in Paris in 1979 and has lived and worked in New York for twenty years, where she ran the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s literary series and also organized multidisciplinary arts festivals across the city. Originally published by Gallimard under the title Fugitive parce que reine, her debut novel The Book of Mother was awarded multiple literary prizes including the Prix Françoise Saga and the Prix Marie Claire. 

Leslie Camhi is a New York-based essayist and cultural journalist who writes for The New York TimesVogue, and other publications. She is a frequent contributor to artists’ monographs and museum catalogues. The Book of Mother is her first book-length translation.
Genres: General FictionFamily LifeLiterary FictionWomen's Fiction

Books by Violaine Huisman


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