Suzanne Parry

About the author
Suzanne Parry’s interest in the Soviet Union began in college. As as undergraduate, she studied Russian in Moscow. After earning a master’s degree from Princeton University, she joined the US Department of Defense and worked as an arms control specialist at the Pentagon, where she helped negotiate the Conference on Disarmament in Europe, the first security agreement of the Gorbachev era. Suzanne went on to raise a large family (requiring its own negotiating skills), teach university, and move to several different countries. She landed in Portland, Oregon, where she coached high school cross-country and track before embarking on a writing career. A committed runner, she has completed several dozen marathons, including the fifty-six-mile Comrades Marathon in South Africa. She now divides her time between Portland and Washington, DC. When not writing, running, or planning her next travel adventure, she enjoys time with her adult children and grandchildren.
Genres: General FictionHistorical FictionLiterary FictionSagasWar & MilitaryWomen's FictionWorld War II

Books by Suzanne Parry


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