Susan Weissbach Friedman

About the author
Susan Weissbach Friedman is a psychotherapist with a specialty in women’s issues, family therapy, and trauma-focused therapy. A graduate of Hamilton College, Boston University’s MSW/MPH program, and the Ackerman Institute for Couples and Families, she has also completed EMDR and Somatic Experiencing (SE) training in trauma therapy techniques and has been in a practicing clinician for more than twenty-five years. Klara’s Truth is her first novel. Susan has been married to her husband for thirty years and has two daughters in their twenties. Originally from Long Island, she now lives in Westchester County, New York, where she enjoys practicing yoga and mindfulness, going for walks in nature, listening to music, and spending time near the ocean.  
Genres: General FictionLiterary FictionReligious & InspirationalWomen's FictionJewish Fiction

Books by Susan Weissbach Friedman


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