Susan Stradiotto

About the author
Susan lives in Eden Prairie, Minnesota with her husband, two of her three children, and two fur children. She has worked in Technology for more years than she'd like to admit, but storytelling is her true passion. She has always been a voracious reader, lover of worlds, and a "werd nerd." Susan's infatuation with well-developed characters sometimes rivals her relationships with real people. Susan fills her own soul by spending her free time writing, networking with other writers, and occasionally camping "up-north." If you're from Minnesota, you'll get the reference along with "hot dish" and "grey-duck." If you're not from Minnesota, you probably don't want to ask. Note that she's originally a Texan, and that never leaves you.
Genres: RomanceRomance Anthologies & Collections

Books by Susan Stradiotto

The Serpentine Throne

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