Robert V. S. Redick

About the author
Robert V. S. Redick is the author of the Chathrand Voyage Quartet (The Red Wolf Conspiracy and sequels), among the most beloved and critically acclaimed epic fantasy series of recent years. An instructor in the Stonecoast MFA program and an environmental justice consultant, he has lived and worked in Indonesia, Argentina, Colombia, and many other countries. Master Assassins (Talos Press, 2018), the first book in The Fire Sacraments trilogy, was a finalist for the European Booknest Award for Best Novel, and was featured on numerous Best of the Year lists. He lives with his partner in Western Massachusetts.
Genres: FantasyEpic FantasyAction & AdventureSea Adventures

Books by Robert V. S. Redick

Chathrand Voyage
The Fire Sacraments
Fire Sacraments

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