Robert Steven Goldstein

About the author
Robert Steven Goldstein retired from his job as a healthcare information executive at age fifty-six and has been writing novels ever since. His first novel, The Swami Deheftner, about problems that ensue when ancient magic and mysticism manifest in the twenty-first century, has developed a small cult following in India. His second novel, Enemy Queen, an erotic thriller set in a North Carolina college town, was published in 2020, and was a finalist in the category of cross genre fiction for the International Book Awards. His third novel, Cat’s Whisker, published in 2021, probes the perceived rift between science and spirituality; an excerpt from Cat’s Whisker, entitled “An Old Dog,” was featured in the fall 2018 edition of the literary journal Leaping Clear. Will's Surreal Period is his fourth novel. Robert lives in San Francisco with Sandy, his wife of thirty-three years, and Cali, a fearless, lovable Akita/cattle dog. Robert has practiced yoga, meditation, and vegetarianism for more than fifty years.
Genres: General FictionMysteryFamily LifeFriendshipHumorous FictionLGBT & PrideReligious & InspirationalSatireMarriage & DivorceSiblings

Books by Robert Steven Goldstein


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