Peter Grimsdale

About the author
After joining the BBC in 1980, Peter Grimsdale became editor of Crimewatch and produced documentaries on a range of subjects including the Tamil uprising in Sri Lanka. In 1994 he became Channel 4's Commissioning Editor for Features and Religion, winning Royal Television Society Awards in both genres, before returning to the BBC in 1999 as Head of the Independent Commissionin Group, responsible for all of the BBC's independent programming. In 2000, he was back commissioning at Channel 4 where, among other things, he took charge of Big Brother. In 2004 he moved to the internet as Editorial Director for Yahoo Europe, where he overhauled all that portal's content operations, and then returned to television a year later as Controller for Science for Channel Five. His novels include BATTLEFIELD 4 - COUNTDOWN TO WAR, BATTLEFIELD 3 - THE RUSSIAN, JUST WATCH ME and PERFECT NIGHT. He is married to writer and broadcaster Stephanie Calman.
Genres: ThrillersSpy Thrillers

Books by Peter Grimsdale


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