Pamela Gibson

About the author

Pamela Gibson was raised in a small town in Southern California, just a short distance from the Pacific Ocean. She was fascinated by the old Spanish Mission in the center of town and grew up wandering its ruins and dreaming up stories about the people who once lived there. In college, she majored in history and instead of novels, she wrote regional history books, hoping others would care enough about local historical sites to preserve them.

She began reading romance novels while waiting for the birth of her son, David. By the time her daughter, Shelley, came along, she was thoroughly hooked and wanted to write them. But life sometimes gets in the way and she put off her dream while working, first as a newspaper reporter, and then in public agencies.

Today she lives in Northern California's wine country in another old, historic town, writing books and occasionally contributing to the local newspaper. She still loves to walk on a beach barefoot, but has added vineyards in their fall splendor, fragrant bubble baths, and chocolate to her favorite things. Visit her at

Genres: General FictionRomanceSmall Town & Rural

Books by Pamela Gibson

Love in Wine Country

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