Nan Gefen

About the author
Nan Fink Gefen is the author of Stranger in the Midst: A Memoir of Spiritual Discovery (Basic Books, 1997) and Discovering Jewish Meditation (Jewish Lights, 2nd edition 2011.) Her fiction and nonfiction articles have appeared in numerous publications. After fifteen years as a psychotherapist and teacher, she became the co-founder and publisher of Tikkun magazine. In 1996 she began teaching Jewish meditation, and she has trained hundreds of students in the Bay Area and nationally. In 2007 she founded Persimmon Tree: An Online Magazine of the Arts by Women over Sixty, where she remains as publisher. Nan lives in Berkeley, CA, with her husband, Jonathan Omer-Man; their blended family includes seven children and nine grandkids.
Genres: General FictionFamily LifeWomen's Fiction

Books by Nan Gefen


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