Michael Alan Peck

About the author

Michael Alan Peck tells tales big and small. Life's magical, but it isn't always enough for a good story. So he makes up the rest.

A winner of the Illinois state libraries' Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project, he’s been called “an author to watch” by Publishers Weekly. He’s made his living writing about TV, its celebrities, and its past. He’s also put food on the table reviewing restaurants and writing about travel.

He has a godawful memory, so he focuses on the written word. He likes to think that over time, he’s gotten better at it—the writing, not the remembering. He forgets important dates. He’s pretty good with movie lines. But after several years, he tends to tweak them. He prefers his versions over the real ones.

Funny goes a long way with him. Probably further than it should.

Genres: Contemporary FantasyUrban FantasyVisionary & Metaphysical

Books by Michael Alan Peck

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