Marianna Leal

About the author

Marianna Leal is a Venezuelan writer of contemporary romance fiction. She is determined to represent her gente and writes about strong and vulnerable girls who make their way in a world that tells them they don't belong or are not enough, and boys who are not afraid to show emotion and grow from it.

She currently resides in Florida, after a couple of years in the US Midwest... which were preceded by a few years in Scandinavia. Fortunately for her, she enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures, and this has been a wonderful adventure she sometimes worries has been a dream all along.

In her spare time she is a full time employee for an engineering company that does care about the planet. Even though she's an awkward turtle with the YOLO energy of a bull in a china shop, she has deep feelings about the environment and social issues. You can also count on her terrible sense of humor and colorful language.

Genres: General FictionRomanceHispanic & LatinoClean & Wholesome RomanceContemporary Romance

Books by Marianna Leal


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