Mariana Leky

About the author

Mariana Leky was born in Cologne and lives in Berlin. She is the author of the novels The Gentlemen's Tailor and First Aid, for which she received the Advancement Prize for Young Artists from the State of North Rhine-Westfalia. Leky began her career as a bookseller and later studied cultural journalism at the University of Hildesheim. Her most recent novel, What You Can See from Here, won the Comburg-Stipenduim and the Via-Communis-Literaturpreis in Germany.

Tess Lewis is a writer and translator from the French and German. Her translations include works by Peter Handke, Walter Benjamin, Klaus Merz, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Christine Angot, Pascal Bruckner, and Jean-Luc Benoziglio.

Genres: General FictionComing of AgeWomen's Fiction

Books by Mariana Leky


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