Lenore H. Gay

About the author
Lenore Gay is a Licensed Professional Counselor with master’s degrees in sociology and rehabilitation counseling. She has worked in agencies and psychiatric hospitals, and for ten years she maintained a private practice. The Virginia Center of the Creative Arts (VCCA) has awarded her two writing fellowships. Her poems and short stories have appeared in several journals. Her essay “Mistresses of Magic” was published in the anthology In Praise of Our Teachers (Beacon Press). Her story “The Hobo” won first place in Style Weekly’s annual fiction contest. She is a volunteer reader at Blackbird, An Online Journal for Literature & The Arts. Shelter of Leaves is her first book.
Genres: General FictionScience FictionFamily LifeLiterary FictionWomen's FictionMarriage & DivorceDystopianPost-Apocalyptic sci-fi

Books by Lenore H. Gay


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