Kana Wu

I write a feel good romance story. Southern California
About the author

Kana Wu, an autodidact author, has loved writing since her childhood.

She used to work as an analyst and later an accountant before deciding to be a writer in 2018.

Her debut novel, No Romance Allowed, was published in September 2019, and it received two awards as Finalist in the 2020 International Book Awards and Reader's Favorite Awards. Also, 1st place in the Romance category for the 2020 TCK Publishing Readers' Choice Awards Contest.

She lives in a cottage with her husband, a rescued Jindo dog, books, and some hummingbirds that always stop by for the nectar feeder she has provided.

Genres: Literary FictionWomen's FictionEnemies to LoversMulticultural & Interracial RomanceNew Adult RomanceRomantic Comedy

Books by Kana Wu


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