Kalli Lanford

About the author
Kalli Lanford, a native of San Diego, California, grew up hanging out at the beach, playing sports, and eventually attending San Diego State University where she earned her bachelor's degree in English and master's degree in education. When she's not nerding out at San Diego Comic-Con or watching Star Wars and The Lord of the Ring's movies for the umpteenth time, she can be seen doing normal people stuff like cooking delicious meals for her family (she attributes all of her culinary skills to the Food Network) and attending her son's football games. In her spare time, she writes young adult and new adult fiction, her biggest passion, and loves listening to hard rock music and going to concerts. She hopes to live long and prosper, and that you will, too.
Genres: General FictionRomanceScience FictionWomen's FictionParanormal RomanceScience Fiction Romance

Books by Kalli Lanford

Trans-Galactic Insurrection

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