John Scalzi

Bradford, Ohio
About the author

John Scalzi is one of the most popular science fiction authors of the millennium. His multiple NY Times bestsellers include Redshirts, which won the 2013 Hugo Award for Best Novel, Lock In and The Last Emperox. His debut novel Old Man's War won him the Astounding Award for Best New Writer; his other awards include the Locus, Seiun and Audie. Whatever, his online site, has been published continuously since 1998 and has earned him two other Hugos. His TV work includes Stargate Universe and Love, Death & Robots. Scalzi lives in Ohio, where he takes pictures of cats and sunsets.

Profile illustration by Lee Moyer

Genres: Science Fiction

Books by John Scalzi

The Interdependency
Old Man's War
A Tor.Com Original
End of All Things
The Human Division
The Far Reaches
The Lock In Series

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