Jerry Frissen

About the author
Jerry Frissen (born Thierry Frissen in Belgium) is an American comic book writer and toy & graphic designer. He is the senior graphic designer at Humanoids as well as the author of several best-selling graphic novels, including the anthology comic book series "Lucha Libre" ("Unfabulous Five," "The Tikitis"), "The Zombies That Ate The World" ("The Z Word") and the new cycle of the internationally acclaimed series "The Metabarons," co-written with Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Valentin Sécher, Niko Henrichon and Esad Ribic, under the title "The Metabaron." In addition to his work on "The Metabaron," Jerry Frissen is also the author of the forthcoming sci-fi thriller "Exo" (March 2018).

Alejandro Jodorowsky (also known as Alexandro Jodorowsky) is a Chilean film and theatre director, screenwriter, playwright, actor, comic book writer, author, poet, mime, musician, and spiritual guru. He is best known for his avant-garde, cult films, such as "El Topo," a midnight movie favorite.

At only 29, Valentin has already been published by Titan Comics (Khaal) and Humanoids (The Metabaron Book 1 & 3). A rising star in the European comics scene, he took up the challenge of following in the footsteps of Juan Gimenez, creating his own version of Jodorowsky's universes: cinematic landscapes and beautiful, realistic fight scenes.

Niko Henrichon is a Canadian comic artist most known for Pride of Baghdad (Vertigo) and Noah (Image), the former earning him an Eisner nomination for Best Penciller/Inker. He has also worked on Fables, New X-Men, Sandman and Spiderman in addition to his covers of Fantasic Four and X-Men.
Genres: Science FictionSpace Opera

Books by Jerry Frissen

The Metabarons

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