Janette Foreman

About the author
A former English teacher, turned stay-at-home mom, I'm passionate about God-centered romances. I'm a proud member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), ACFW Dakotas chapter secretary, and am represented by Tamela Hancock Murray at the Steve Laube Agency. I love to read, quilt, make cloth dolls, and draw. I make my home in the northern Midwest with my amazing husband, polydactyl cat, bird-hunting dog, and the most adorable baby twin boys on the planet.
Genres: General FictionRomanceChristian FictionSmall Town & RuralChristian RomanceHistorical ChristianClean & Wholesome RomanceContemporary RomanceHistorical RomanceWestern Romance

Books by Janette Foreman


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