H.T. Narea

About the author

H. T. NAREA, an international investment banker, has focused his career on global financial markets. During his twenty-plus years of experience, which includes his tenure as a principal at JPMorgan Chase in New York, Narea has advised governments, companies, and banks around the world on debt restructuring, infrastructure projects, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, debt trading, and syndicated finance. He is a graduate of Georgetown University, where he also teaches international finance. Narea got his start in fiction by researching and editing several books by his father-in-law, Paul Erdman, the New York Times bestselling creator of the financial thriller.

The Fund is Narea's first novel. His family's roots are in Chile and Spain's Basque Country, and he has lived in Brazil, Venezuela, and Thailand.

Genres: ThrillersTerrorism & Assassination Thrillers

Books by H.T. Narea


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