E.C. Eliott

About the author

Reginald Alec Martin (1908-1971)
E. C. Eliott is the best-known pseudonym of British writer Reginald Alec Martin, who wrote under a number of different names. Born in South London, Martin began working at the age of thirteen and had numerous varied occupations throughout his life, including cowboy, gold prospector and wild-horse trader. He began writing full-time as a career at the end of World War Two and wrote well over a hundred and fifty books in total, including about sixty children''s novels. The titles from Martin''s children''s sf series Kemlo had a powerful emotional impact on many of their youthful British readers, helping shape the thoughts of a generation towards sf. He died on 27th June 1971 in Haywards Heath, Sussex.

Genres: Science FictionAlien ContactPost-Apocalyptic sci-fi

Books by E.C. Eliott


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