E. B. Asher

About the author

E. B. Asher is the pen name for authors Bridget Morrissey, Emily Wibberley, and Austin Siegemund-Broka. Bridget Morrissey is the author of the romance novels Love Scenes, A Thousand Miles, and That Summer Feeling, as well as two novels for teens. She lives in Los Angeles, where she coaches gymnastics. Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka are the authors of the romance novels The Roughest DraftDo I Know You? and The Breakup Tour, as well as several novels for teens. Married, they live in Los Angeles, where they continue to take daily inspiration from their own love story.

Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionRomanceFantasy action & adventureHumorous FantasyRomantic FantasyHumorous FictionRomantic Comedy

Books by E. B. Asher


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