Dixon Reuel

Eerie fiction that claws at your heart - literally! Dublin, Ireland
About the author

Irish award-winning and best-selling writer, Eve Power writes as Dixon Reuel and is the author of the Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal series, Blood Brute.

Dixon lives in Dublin, Ireland and holds a First in History & Early Irish Studies and another First in Creative Writing. She is a lifelong nerd and devoted hobbyist of cosplay, video games, and other surely worthwhile pursuits.

Dixon cannot stand monkeys or phone calls, and to receive a phone call from King Kong would definitely be her greatest fear.

Genres: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyOccult & SupernaturalParanormalPost-Apocalyptic FantasyLGBT & Pride

Books by Dixon Reuel

Blood Brute

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