Diana Holquist

About the author
Diana Holquist: I love to write. That's pretty much all I do. Ask my family about the undone laundry, the unbought groceries, and the fact that I rarely find time to get dressed in the morning. Actually, if you train your family right, they won't notice any of these things. "Popcorn for dinner again, Mom! Cool," say my filthy children. God bless them, they don't know what panty hose are. Oh, my poor husband. What else is there to know about me? I love kids. I love cats. I love chocolate (not necessarily in that order). And I love to hear from readers. So you can log on to my website at www.dianaholquist.com and let me know what's on your mind!
Genres: General FictionRomanceAction & AdventureFamily LifeLiterary FictionContemporary RomanceErotic & Steamy Romance

Books by Diana Holquist


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