Davila LeBlanc

About the author
DaVila LeBlanc spent his college years studying print journalism but quickly found himself working as a writer and performer in the comedy circuits of Montreal. During this time his goal became to break into the world of professional writing. He would get his first opportunity when he co-created and sold the hit animated television series: "The League of Super Evil." This was his first foray into the world of production and an important first step on his road to becoming a writer. After working on various television shows, in 2013 Davila decided to take a year off from children's animation to focus on writing his first novel, Dark Transmissions. He is an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy and wants to add his own voice to the genre that inspired him. Davila currently resides in Ottawa where he is working on several other writing projects. He can be reached through his website: www.davilathewhite.com
Genres: Science FictionThrillersSci-fi Action & AdventureSpace OperaSuspense

Books by Davila LeBlanc


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