Clare Pollard

About the author
Clare Pollard lives with husband and two children in London. At nineteen, she published her first book of poetry, The Heavy Petting Zoo. After studying English literature at Cambridge, she has since made a living in literature—teaching, translating, judging, reviewing—though sometimes supporting it with bar-work or ushering. She has published four collections of poetry—the most recent, Incarnation, about motherhood. Her play The Weather, performed at the Royal Court, was the first British play about climate change. Influenced by the classics, Clare translated Ovid’s Heroines—a series of dramatic monologues in the voices of women from Greek and Roman myth—which she toured as a one-woman show in the UK. She currently edits the journal Modern Poetry in Translation, which was cofounded by Ted Hughes. Delphi is her first novel.
Genres: General FictionDisaster FictionFamily LifeLiterary Fiction

Books by Clare Pollard


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