Charles Vess

About the author

Charles Vess is an eminent American artist and illustrator known for his work in comics, on book jackets, in books for children, and elsewhere. With Neil Gaiman, he won a World Fantasy Award for the nineteenth issue of the comic book Sandman, written by Gaiman and illustrated by Vess. He has collaborated with Gaiman on a number of other works, but his largest body of collaborative work is with the writer Charles de Lint, including the books Seven Wild Children, A Circle of Cats, and Medicine Road.

Vess is also known for Ballads, a series of comic books featuring retellings of traditional tales by major fantasy writers, and illustrated by Vess. The Ballads stories were collected into a single volume of the same name published by Tor in 1997.

Among Vess's numerous other awards are two more World Fantasy Awards and three Eisners. He lives in Virginia.

Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionFairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyHoliday books

Books by Charles Vess

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