Chaman Nahal

About the author
Chaman Nahal, formerly Professor of English at Delhi University and Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge University, was the author of nine novels, four of which constitute The Gandhi Quartet. For Azadi, which has been translated into ten languages, he received the Sahitya Akademi Award as well as the Federation of Indian Publishers Award. His other publications include a collection of short stories, three children's novels and several other literary books. He was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Princeton University from 1967 to 1970 and was a visiting professor at various universities in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. He ran a column, 'Talking about Books' in the Indian Express from 1966 to 1973. Chaman Nahal also held the Dai Ho Chun Distinguished Chair at the University of Hawaii, 1998-99, where he taught creative writing. Mr Nahal passed away in 2013.
Genres: General FictionLiterary Fiction

Books by Chaman Nahal


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