Catherine Meyrick

Historical Fiction with a Touch of Romance Australia
About the author

Catherine Meyrick is a writer of historical fiction with a touch of romance. Her stories weave fictional characters into the spaces within the historical record – tales of ordinary people who are very much men and women of their time, yet in so many ways are like us today. These are people with the same hopes and longings as we have to find both love and their own place in a troubled world.

Catherine grew up in Ballarat, a large city in regional Victoria, but has lived all her adult life in Melbourne, Australia. Until recently she worked as a customer service librarian at her local library. She has a Master of Arts in history and is also an obsessive genealogist. When she is not writing, reading and researching, she enjoys gardening, the cinema and music of all sorts from early music and classical to folk and country & western. And, not least, taking photos of the family cat to post on Instagram.

Genres: RomanceHistorical FictionWomen's FictionRenaissance

Books by Catherine Meyrick


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