Carolynn Carey

Southeastern United States
About the author

Carolynn Carey is the author of 25 books, including the McCray County series, a spinoff of her Barbourville series. Chasing Dreams in Barbourville was the tenth story in this series of short contemporary romances set in a fictional Tennessee mountain town. In addition to her contemporary novels, she writes Regency romances. Several of her books have won or finaled in national contests such as the HOLT Medallion, the National Readers’ Choice Awards, and the Maggie Award for Excellence. She spends her days writing, reading, knitting, and watching for text messages about the amazing exploits of her only grandchild.

Genres: Clean & Wholesome RomanceContemporary RomanceHoliday RomanceRegency RomanceRomance Anthologies & Collections

Books by Carolynn Carey

McCray County Series
Barbourville series

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