Candace J. Carter

Writing mysteries and reconnecting with my inner cowboy. South Carolina
About the author

Candace J. Carter has walked many paths in life. She served in the military, earned a degree in veterinary medicine, and worked for the National Park Service. Much of her professional career was spent with Threatened and Endangered species, including the black-footed ferret, Florida scrub-jay, and four species of sea turtles.

Her stories are drawn from these experiences. Growing up in a rural town, she was often found fishing, hunting, or horseback riding. She shared a love of watching western movies with her father. Her stories reflect small town life and the feeling of family shared by people in rural communities. Thanks to her father, there's a bit of the Old West in her stories, too.

Genres: MysteryCozy MysteryTraditional Mysteries

Books by Candace J. Carter


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