Barb Curtis

About the author
A happily-ever-after-crafter at heart, Barb Curtis' love for writing began with a quick-witted style column, and her background in marketing led to stints writing print and web copy, newsletters, and grant proposals. The switch to fiction came with the decision to pair her creativity with her love for words, and crafting characters and settings she could truly get lost in. Barb happily lives in a bubble in rural New Brunswick with her husband, daughter, and dog. You'll find her restoring the century-old family homestead, weeding the garden, and no doubt whistling the same song all day long.

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Twitter @Barb_Curtis
Genres: General FictionRomanceSmall Town & RuralWomen's FictionContemporary RomanceWorkplace Romance

Books by Barb Curtis

Sapphire Springs

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