B. James Wilson

About the author
B. James Wilson is the author of a variety of fiction with a focus on history and the Bible. He is a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a Navy veteran, an artist, and both a teacher and student of the Bible. He lives and works on Florida's Space Coast. He says of his writing, "I choose the literary art form because the stories in my head demand that level of detail. I want to write about life, death, God, intellect, the supernatural, the truth, and the lies we tell ourselves and others. I want to write about the things that keep us up at night, our insecurities, our fears, our hopes and dreams, and our shining moments. I want my work to be, first of all, entertaining, and then informative.
Genres: General FictionAction & AdventureHistorical Fiction

Books by B. James Wilson

Gray Empire
The Bible Book Club Series

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