A. Keith Carreiro

About the author
A. Keith Carreiro lives in southeastern Massachusetts. He has an abiding love and passion for the visual, literary, and performing arts. At an early age, he started playing the classical guitar and toured professionally as a solo concert classical guitarist in the 70s throughout North and South America. He started writing poetry in high school. Reading, music, storytelling, and movies became his passions, all of which set him on a lifelong path of exploration in creativity. For him, poetry forms the basis upon which all imagination and storytelling unfold.

Keith is passionate about writing science fiction/fantasy and nonfiction. Throw in a little bit of Dean Koontz, Stephen King, and Lee Child with J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, and he is happy to say that these writers are his heroes who inspire him to write stories that enchant, terrify, and hopefully entertain his readers.
Genres: General FictionChristian FictionReligious & InspirationalChristian Fantasy

Books by A. Keith Carreiro

The Penitent

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